Written, audio, or video material presented on the Total Grace Solutions, herein TGS, website is intended for informational and promotional use only. It is not intended as medical, therapeutic, legal, or other professional services/advice and should not be construed as such.
The information presented via the TGS website is provided with the understanding and agreement that TGS is not engaged in rendering any ascribed professional services by posting said material. Coaches are not licensed therapists, psychologists or health care professionals; furthermore, Coaching is not intended as a substitute for psychological counseling, therapy, or professional health care advice. If you are in need of professional services as mentioned, please seek the specific expert assistance required.
Coaching is a relationship between Client and Coach, as such this website does not intend to take the place of this relationship. Any materials presented and read on the TGS website does not create a Client and Coach relationship. If you would like to enter into a coaching agreement, contact us for more information.
Some links within this website may lead to other sites. TGS does not nor does Thad and Amanda Randolph necessarily sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing in such sites.